3,500m² Container Hardstand and construction of 220kL Storm water holding tank.
Location: Esperance, WA
Client: Southern Port Authority
Duration: January 2023- September 2023
Contract Type: $9m Lump Sum

Located 720km southeast of Perth, Esperance Port provides a gateway service for many commodities. Esperance Port is the only deep-sea port in southern Western Australia, capable of handling Capsize vessels.
The Berth 2 Hardstand Renewal Project provided much needed infrastructure upgrades to ensure environmental licence requirements are adhered to by providing an initial treatment of stormwater by allowing it to pass through a new 220kL holding tank named First Flush Tank (FFT) and subsequent Dissolved Metals Treatment (DMT) tank which treats the stormwater by removing metals and hydrocarbons allowing release back to the ocean. The project seen the complete replacement of the ineffective drainage system for Berth 2. Due to the increase in throughput of the Berth and to compliment the new stormwater treatment and drainage systems, the Berth 2 hardstand was replaced due dilapidation caused by the poor drainage system. The existing pavement was excavated 520mm with
new 340mm basecourse being placed. The basecourse was stabilised with 5% cement providing a robust foundation for the 180mm asphalt layers.
The overall scope involved:
- Hardstand Drainage works
- 225m 450Ø
- 50m 750Ø
- 5no. Reinforced Concrete Stormwater Pits
- Pavement Cement Stabilisation
- 180mm Asphalt layer
- Temporary Works – 96m long sheet pile (12m) cofferdam to support FFT construction.
- Dewatering pumping 2,500kL per day
- Construction of 220kl stormwater FFT
- Installation of DMT tank
- Electrical & Mechanical support
- Management of port user access throughout the project.
Due to busy nature of Berth 2, it was critical that the Berth remained operational at all times. The project achieved this by sequencing works in multiple stages. With this approach, Berth 2 remained operational throughout to the satisfaction of Port Operations and other stakeholders.
A highlight of the project was the recycling and reuse of the demolished asphalt and concrete waste. This was crushed, screened and re-used to create a new laydown area for Port Operations.