Cocos Islands High School- Prefab Toilet Blocks

Fast-track construction providing critical facilities for remote local schools.

The Cocos (Keeling) Islands are a remote territory of Australia in the Indian Ocean. The Cocos Islands District High School serves the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Australia. A condition assessment was completed on the toilet facilities at both the Home Island and West Island schools. These inspections identified several non-compliances in the buildings, but as the only toilet facilities at the schools, they were required to remain in service.

Given Carey’s successful history of delivering transportable building solutions to CKI, Carey was awarded the contract to design, supply, and install two prefabricated toilet blocks to replace the inadequate facilities at both schools. This method of delivery provided a fast-track solution which could be put in place and commissioned before decommissioning the existing facilities.

Scope of Work:

  • Location: Perth and freight to Cocos Island
  • Tasks:
    • Install foundations for ablutions
    • Connect modules and install the building
    • Connect required services

Carey’s experience in providing modular buildings allowed Carey to present a solution that met the client’s requirements in terms of layout and size, whilst also economising the high shipping costs associated with transporting a complete ablution facility.

Full Scope Involved:

  • Design BCA compliant replacement ablution facilities for district schools on Home and West Islands
  • Prefabricate two ablution blocks in modular sections

Carey worked to provide employment for the local Cocos Malay people and successfully employed eight locals for this project.

Project Completion:
The works were successfully completed, and Practical Completion was issued in September 2019.